
Contact Prof. Dr. Holger Lütters

Prof. Dr. Holger Lütters

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Fachbereich 3

Treskowallee 8
D 10318 Berlin
Verwaltungsgebäude Raum 732

E-Mail: Holger.Luetters(at)


International Marketing


Marketing; Online Research; Social Media Marketing

Innoradar KMU-Innovationsradar für Berliner Unternehmen

Initiator der Digital Futur: Die digitale Transformation in der Marktforschung

Contact for HTW Berlin Students

Contact for HTW Berlin students:

Office hours:
The best way to contact me is to come and see me during office hours in my office in the Building C (Verwaltungsgebäude) Room 733, Treskowallee 8.

Register online for consultation with Holger Lütters (external service):

Contact via email:

Email is propably not a good way to reach me if you have something personal to discuss. No grading issues will be handled over email. Please do not expect an answer on short notice to your email.

Please respect the following hints, when contacting me via email:

  • Do not expect the lecturer to remember your specific case. Present yourself, describe from which studying program you are and refer to the specific class.
  • If you send an attachement make sure, that it has a clear name. “document1.doc” or “presentation2.ppt”  are negative examples of an attachement’s name.
  • Better use the address in order to avoid SPAM issues.
Contact via phone:
As I am teaching a lot it is difficult to reach me on the office phone. You can try anyway under +493050192392 (but do not be disappointed when I not to be reached on the phone).
How to get there:

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