Ein Beitrag von Holger Lütters in den MaFo-Spitzen der planung&analyse. Die Marktforschung beutet sich selbst und vor allem die Teilnehmer immer stärker aus. Nur ein Umdenken und gemeinsames Handeln kann diese Entwicklung stoppen. Marktforschung muss nachhaltiger werden.
Online Panel vs. Mobile Ad Panel
Research Project Device Agnostic Research
Holger Lütters wird sich im SoSe 2014 einem Forschungsvorhaben unter dem Titel Device Agnostic Research widmen.
Moving answers with the Gyroscale
Device Agnostic Research Study
VBKI StartingUp Berlin
Info Research Semester
Ich befinde mich im Forschungsfreisemester und werde nur vereinzelt an der HTW Berlin anzutreffen sein // I am in a research semester and will only be partly available at HTW Berlin.
Vine Quietly Company Adds Verified Badges for High-Profile Users
Last spring and summer, Kathryn Minshew, co-founder of The Muse and Inc’s “15 Women to Watch in Tech”, was trying to raise money for the female-focused jobboard site that was growing thirdty percent a month and reaching 250,000 dedicated active users every month by June of 2012. She pitched herself,…
Makerbot Digitizer Will Let Anyone Scan and Print Physical Items in 3D
Makerbot CEO Bre Pettis excitedly announced a new Makerbot Digitizer Desktop 3D scanner on stage Friday at SXSW in Austin. Currently a prototype, the next-generation scanner will allow anyone to scan a physical item, digitize it, and then print it in 3D, regardless of whether or not they have any…
Internet, Keep Your Damn Hands Off My Rom Coms
The tech world is often misunderstood as hard and cold. Movies about the internet have commonly fallen into the sci-fi and dramatic genres. Romantic comedies just don’t work for us web-dwellers because we’re all robots and we have no feelings, right? Nope. There’s nothing Meg Ryan and a little soft…